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Recent Sermon Highlights

       Although nothing beats hearing the original live, just in case you were unable to do so, here are a few highlights for you to read through and contemplate.

    The intent of this section is not to provide a word for word retelling of the listed sermons, but rather to provide you with the key texts for each message as well as summarize their main points.  Feel free to contact us with any questions or clarifications you may have concerning any of these messages.

"5,000 Lessons"

     Other than His resurrection, there was only one of Jesus' miracles during his earthly ministry that was recorded in all four of the gospel accounts.  This message highlighted that event.

"Battle Ownership"

    This message expressed gratitude to those who defend our earthly freedom, but also gave glory and praise to the One Who brings victory to our spiritual battles.

"Soli Deo Gloria"

     Although not discussed during "Reformation Sunday season," this message reflected on the solae of the Reformation, with special emphasis on Soli Deo Gloria.

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